Monday, March 25, 2013

Needles and Easter Eggs

Tonight for FHE, we dyed Easter eggs. Ashley mentioned, as we were coloring white crayons on the eggs, that he has never made easter eggs before! WHAT!? Anyway, we fixed that today. They turned out pretty cute, I think.

Notice there isn't any pink. The pink dye did not work! (ugh!)

Also, I had to take Elsie to get her shots :'( It was sad. But she has been so cheerful and brave! Taking your baby to get needles poked into her is the worst. I think I struggled more than she did.


I sort of wrote a post last week then forgot to publish it. Oops. well, here it is.

Yesterday was my birthday. I think it was the best one yet! Ashley absolutely spoiled me with breakfast in bed (except I wasn't actually in bed when I ate it), a really thoughtful gift, and last but not least a homemade birthday cake! Ash has made a birthday cake for me each year since we started dating. I know, I'm a lucky girl.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Look Ma, No Hands!!!

Two new things this week:

1. Elsie has started calling for "Mama" when she wants me! *cheering*

2. Elsie has started standing without holding on to anything! *double cheering!*

Monday, March 04, 2013


It was a good day. Elsie was so happy and chattering away while I made a cute pair of shorts for her.

I think this is a good beginning of the week! :)